For 37 years, committing to provide quality, compassionate mental health services to all people in need, regardless of ability to pay, social standing, or faith background.

Since 2011, NCC has served
12,277 clients
76,887 appointments
In 2023, Over 40% of these appointments were sliding scale, appointments, where clients pay what they can.
Most people pay between $1-$20 a session.
Our Clients

Our Programs

Las personas en la comunidad Latinx en Oregon enfrentan muchas barreras para acceder a servicios de salud mental. El idioma, la cultura, el estado migratorio, las limitaciones financieras, el estigma o el miedo pueden interponerse en el camino. El programa Levantar ofrece terapia con personal bilingüe y bicultural, creando un nuevo camino para obtener cuidado que cambie la vida.
People in the Latinx community in Oregon face many barriers to accessing mental health services. Language, culture, immigration status, financial constraints, stigma, or fear can get in the way. The Levantar program offers therapy with bilingual and bicultural staff, creating a new path to obtaining life-changing care.

NCC is delighted to be able to offer counseling in Mandarin! Please see below for more details.
Lu Lu 路 璐, our Mandarin-speaking counselor, is currently only accepting patients with Kaiser or PacificSource Insurance or those who will be paying a sliding scale fee. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions in Mandarin and English.
Please call us at (503) 253-0964 with any questions.
English: Learn More
Mandarin: Learn More
Our Financials
View our federal tax returns to see how your donations are used.
2023 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2022 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2021 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2020 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2019 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2018 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2017 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
2016 NCC Federal Tax Return 990
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