Thank you for helping us reach our goal of $40,000! You can still keep the success going by making a gift!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and NCC runs a fundraising and educational campaign involving videos from NCC staff and former clients, materials on different mental health topics, and peer-to-peer fundraising. Together we are sowing seeds of hope in our community by providing professional, compassionate mental health services to all, regardless of faith or finances.

You can support this important work while getting you gift matched! When NCC reaches 40 donors, a $5,000 match is unlocked. Additionally, if you are a returning donor after a break of more than a year, your gift is matched 100% up to $5,000!

Who You’re Helping

Providing Counseling in Spanish and Mandarin

Veronica is a Latina who came to counseling for complex trauma and PTSD. She’s faced health concerns, sexual abuse, personal and family addiction, and significant grief. Research shows clients can better articulate trauma in their first language, so Veronica was paired with one of our bilingual therapists and has received weekly counseling in Spanish for six months. Our therapist worked with her on relationship building and trust, PTSD symptom reduction, coping skills, grief and loss, enhancing personal safety, and boundary skill building to foster safer and healthier relationships. Counseling in her native language has made all the difference, and Veronica says she feels happier and more excited about her future than ever before.

Offering Counseling Regardless of Ability to Pay

Kent’s company moved out of state six months ago and he lost his job. His employer covered three months of insurance so he started coming to NCC, struggling with depression and negative feelings of self-worth. Kent has been able to pick up gig work recently, but there’s no health insurance and his prior coverage has ended. At 60, he’s finding it harder to find full-time work with benefits. NCC is able to continue seeing Kent, even with no insurance, because we believe mental health care should be available to anyone, regardless of their insurance coverage.

Supporting Struggling Teens

Leslie’s parents brought her to counseling after a friend reached out to her before a non-fatal suicide attempt. Both Leslie and her friend are 13, and Leslie was distraught by this experience. She lived terrified that struggling friends might die, and had panic attacks any time anyone talked about being depressed or down. Leslie’s therapist helped her better understand depression. The two talked about ways Leslie can support her friends and how to recognize when to get an adult involved. Leslie’s therapist also helped her process the trauma of nearly losing a friend and how fear can impact us. Over time, Leslie has learned how she can’t “save” others, and how to turn to turn to safe adults for support.

Impacting Generations

Irene was pregnant when her husband started hitting her. Until that point, he had only threatened, but when he actually struck her, Irene knew she needed to do something. If not for herself, for her daughter. Irene’s counselor had been gently guiding Irene to explore other community and housing resources, and Irene was ready to start reaching out to them. With her counselor’s steadfast support, Irene found the courage to leave her abusive marriage and create a fresh start with her daughter. With years of subsequent support through counseling while using NCC’s sliding scale fees, she and her daughter became college educated, and her daughter even became a counselor herself, wanting to give back to others who were where she had once been.

Did you know…?

Join us in celebrating
Mental Health Month this May:

Donate now

Make a donation to NCC in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Every dollar raised goes to life-saving mental health care. When NCC reaches 40 donors, a $5,000 match is unlocked! Additionally, if you are a returning donor after a break of more than a year, your gift is matched 100% up to $5,000! Your gift goes farther when you donate today.

Help us raise our $40,000 goal

Create your own digital fundraiser for NCC! Follow the link to the left, click “Become a Fundraiser” and you’ll be able to create your own fundraiser to share with family and friends. This is a great way to spread mental health awareness, and support NCC at the same time.

Host a Party with Purpose

A party with purpose is your own personal NCC fundraiser! Learn more about how you can support NCC in this way by clicking the link to the left.

Our Sponsors

Growing Hope would not be possible without our generous sponsors!

Christine Tracey

Marilyn & Tom Fink

Deb Habel & Bruce Gulliver