March 31, 2016
You and I are bombarded by acts of violence – not just physical acts but emotional ones as well. Even though we have the capability and life experience to process these acts, it is still painful. How much more so for our children?
At The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center parents often ask, “How can I protect my children from what they see and hear?” It is next to impossible to isolate them from the horrors that flash on the news, the exercises at school designed for their protection or the conversations they over hear.
However, you are not helpless. It is critical to talk to with your children about what they see and hear. Why? Your children will feel safer when they talk about their feelings instead of facing them alone. They need you to give them the facts necessary to deal with misconceptions. Educate them on what to do if they sense any danger around them.
These suggestions are only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much a loving parent can do. Continue to educate yourself. Check out these sites:
- Preparing Children for the Death of Someone Close to Them from Virtual Hospice
- Explaining the news to our kids from Common Sense Media